Friday, February 27, 2009

The Road We Are On - No Looking Back

Close Up of Maxim's Feet (Pre-Treatment)

First Set of Casts

We are off and running with the casts, as you know. I thought it might be good to show some pictures at the beginning of the journey so you can see the progress. It is an interesting road trying to make the most of the knowledge and skill that those in the medical community have been blessed with by God, while striving to put our focus most fully on God's perfect healing hand.
Of course, we desire that Maxim's feet, knees and hips just be miraculously set into place by the Great Physician Himself. We have heard testimonies of parents whose children were born with deformities, and after anointing and prayer, miraculous healing occurred. We desire that when additional x-rays are taken in the next month or so, the pictures will show changes for which Dr. Reinhart cannot possibly take credit. Not because we don't like her or appreciate her, but because we want all of the glory to go to God.

Maxim is actually into his second set of casts now. He chose green this time. He has slept great every night since they were put on. When the first ones were taken off on Wednesday morning, he was petrified. The tool that is used looks like an actual power saw, although the "cutting" of the cast is actually accomplished by vibration rather than slicing. Maxim was not convinced of this at first and the noise was scary as well. However, the nurse put the "blade" on her own palm while the machine was on to show Maxim that it did not hurt her. He cried loudly when she started working on the casts until I got right in his face with a smile on my face and asked him if the machine was hurting him. His eyes got big with surprise as he realized it actually wasn't painful at all. Then the process became simply intriguing to him.
After the fiberglass coating and plaster were removed, he really enjoyed removing the cotton cushioning fuzz underneath. For some reason he loves to repeat the word "fuzz".

There was a bit of a reality check for Maxim as he realized a short time later that I had been right in telling him there would be more casts after the first came off. There was some pain involved as his feet were manipulated into an even more correct position and the casting began again. However, I could tell he was glad to choose which color he would like this time and he even volunteered that next time he would like yellow. Some tears rolled out of his eyes as the doctor casted him, but he was very patient and cooperative. Such a good boy.

Helping Mom Make Bread - He Was So Proud to Say He Did It With Mom

Maxim really loves to be a part of what we are doing in the kitchen, and other chores as well. During school time, he usually stays on the task, although sometimes his mind wanders and he gets a little goofy. Not unlike his brother Joel when he was that same age. Joel used to hang upside down off the edge of the couch when I was reading to the kids, and I would wonder if he was even listening. Then later he would repeat back to me what I had been teaching. Not that I think the kids shouldn't be taught to sit up and sit still at appropriate times, but there are times that we have to recognize different learning styles and the way each child is wired. They don't have to all fit into the same box to still be learning productively. Anyway, Maxim has already finished one of his workbooks, learning some eye hand coordination working through several pages of mazes. His other workbooks are dot-to-dots and beginning counting and number recognition. Other than these, which take maybe forty-five minutes each day, put together, he is learning by watching us and hearing us repeat things over and over. All through the day, he asks us what different things are and whether or not they are his. And lately, he has been repeating the names of different items without asking us what they are, and also naming the color of various things in the house, in English. Sometimes if I revert to Russian to name something or explain it, he will repeat it back to me in English.

Imitating Papa Praying At Mealtime

This whole process of experiencing adoption has been an amazing tool in God's hands to set us thinking about our family life from this day forward. Our time with our teens to continue instilling a strong foundation is slipping by quickly and training Maxim is a tremendous privilege and responsibility at the same time as well. It has provoked a lot of thought, prayer and conversation at our house about what would glorify God in our family. The other night, Daniel called a family meeting and asked each of us to tell what we felt we could be praying for that would truly honor God. In the end, all but Maxim had given an answer. Brina wrote out the list on an index card for each one of us, so we won't forget to pray for the things that God brought to our minds that night. Joel suggested praying for wisdom, however God wants to give it. Daniel said we should be praying that we will always be people of integrity. Bravery to do the right thing was on Brina's heart. My mind went right away to wanting God to put us exactly where He wants us. Cyan wanted to pray that we will know how to praise God in everything we do.
It was really powerful to hear what God had put on everyone's mind and as we continue to pray for these things now, because we are learning to want to honor God first, won't it be interesting to watch for the fruits. Not what we can get get get because we "said just the right words", as if God is our genie, but because a little more each day, we want to be counted among the righteous and pray in His will.

1 comment:

junglemama said...

Oh wow, that is a difference!