Monday, May 18, 2009


Maxim came home from the hospital today. We have now been thoroughly educated in the coordination of seatbelts for people who are lying down, drive through pharmacy mega orders, and how many dvds an eager little boy in a wheelchair can carry out of the library (ten, with help from sister Cyan).
After running these errands to make sure we have all the prescriptions (pain killers, stool softeners, etc.) and a good supply of on-screen entertainment for his most down times, we came home and just enjoyed sitting outside in the sun. Our newest neighbor, Beth, came over to introduce herself. She is a special education teacher for emotionally disturbed teenagers in the Grand Rapids public school system, and this is her first year teaching at all. Now there is a young lady with a special mission!
Maxim is doing pretty well. I hope we can find good ways to keep him comfie without the handy hospital bed that was adjustable. It's gone okay this afternoon and evening, as we have switched from couch to bed to wheelchair to pillows on the floor. For awhile, after Daniel got home from work, he and Maxim and Joel were all huddled on the living room floor (Maxim well padded in all the right places)playing with Magnetix, given by friends. A little bit of normal.
Maxim has been a little out of it at times with the fatigue and medications. Sometimes if we say hello to him, he responds as if we just asked how he's doing, "Good". Overall, he's pretty alert though and wanting to engage in whatever is happening. Still loves to butt into conversations with whatever is of interest to him at the moment (bowling, legos, Elmo and Cookie Monster). Tonight, he said he did not want to eat dinner and was planning to play on the floor in the living room while the rest of us went to the table. But I encouraged him to come and be with us with or without an appetite. In the end, he couldn't resist having a little something to eat, since he saw everyone else enjoying roast chicken, corn, and baked potatoes (brought by a generous friend). He suddenly decided dinner was a good idea after all and ate very well compared to the last few days.
Now we have no visits with the doctor until the 27th. Unless something unforeseen comes up, we are free of any runs to Grand Rapids until then. A welcome reprieve.
So there you have it; as astronauts did amazing work on good old Hubble over the weekend, tinkering in mind-boggling ways 200 plus miles above the earth, our Maxim was also experiencing a bit of an overhaul, transformed by the blessing of the Father through the hands of doctors with some pretty amazing skills. And if this work in progress takes longer than we expect/wish, we will have had more opportunities to practice patience and compassion, and if there is anything God wants to do in and through Maxim, there is certainly a myriad of opportunities to cross paths with people we wouldn't have otherwise. I am going to believe that no encounter is an accident. Each is for our benefit, the other party's benefit, or both, and ultimately for God's glory if we are yielded to Him at all. So thank You, Father, for however long You take. Your will and your way are perfect.

1 comment:

ArtworkByRuth said...

Just checking in, give everyone a hug for us! Praying for you! God Bless!