Thursday, August 7, 2008

pressing ahead

Ohhh the waiting stage. Our dossier is over there, most likely completely translated by now and we are just longing for the day we hear it's time to travel. I don't feel anxious in the same way I did at times when we were waiting for the 171-h but there are some things that weigh on my mind.

I have that nesting feeling where I look around at our home and think of projects I want to complete before Maxim comes, knowing that after he arrives, life will be very full, simply adjusting to each other. So I'm trying to balance what is most important and what can wait. Painting shutters, screen doors and garage doors would be nice to complete before Michigan's winter blows in again.

Another, more heavy, issue on my mind is how Cyan, Brina and Joel will do when it's time for Daniel and I to travel to Ukraine. They are so looking forward to Maxim coming home and are all old enough (12, 14 and 16) to like adventure. They like going to other people's homes and visiting. But the kicker is this; Cyan will be at my parents-in-law while Brina and Joel will be with my brother-in-law and his wife. They all came to Daniel and I months ago and offered to do this for us, which I really appreciate, but I just have a nagging feeling about the kids not even all being together while we're away.

I would love to hear from others who are already back home. What arrangements did you make for your kids while you were traveling and how did it go?

I don't want to sound as if I don't appreciate having loved ones around us who would so readily open their homes. I do realize that my parents-in-law are getting older and so having all three kids at home would be way out of their routine these days. And my brother and sister-in-law have no children and with Cyan's disability (cerebral palsy but very mobile) maybe all three kids seems too overwhelming.

Have I just revealed my inner control freak? I guess this is all a part of knowing the adoption is being orchestrated by God and I'm not supposed to be holding the reins. He is supplying everything we need and I can trust Him.

Any sage wisdom or calming words from you all?

As we get close to the beginning of a new school year, I am doing my usual analysis of where the kids are at and where they're going. We home school and this will be Brina's freshman year (where has the time gone!); she and Joel are involved in band and orchestra and love it; Cyan is getting started in some new therapies that will give her the boost she needs right now. And as we get into the early autumn, we are also looking forward to Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) travels. It is such a special family time as we have come to love and appreciate how the biblical feasts broaden our walk with Christ. Anyway, this is not to say that life is too busy to welcome more into our family. Quite the contrary. Can't wait to add new faces around the table. I'm just pondering the fact that all of these things revolve around fixed schedules and, of course, the adoption will just happen when it happens. So we are learning to relax and continue to make plans that benefit and bless our household, while knowing we have to stay flexible. Good lesson for life in general.

Well, thanks for taking the time to read. Blessings on your own journey.

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