Sunday, March 22, 2009

Maxim and the "W" Eggs- An Account By Cyan

One day, Joel was making deviled eggs. Maxim was watching and asked what they were. Joel said "These are deviled eggs". Maxim, who has been listening to a lot of Sesame Street ABC videos, thought they were called "W" eggs and so he still calls them that.

I went a couple of weeks ago to see how they cast Maxim's legs. I helped him by holding his hand and telling him it would be okay while they worked on his legs. Many years ago, I had to have my legs casted too; for correcting my feet and legs because of my cerebral palsy. So I kind of know how Maxim feels sometimes.

Sometimes, I am tired of cerebral palsy. I think Maxim will get tired sometimes too, of his disabilities. I hope that he understands the casts will be good for him and I hope that anyone who is out there will read this and will pray for him. Maybe seeing Maxim's road will help other people believe in God better.

1 comment:

Jackie & Martin said...

Nice blog Cyan...I'm glad to see that you are such a compassionate older sister. You all are in our prayers :)