Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dear Maxim - Again

Dear Maxim,

Just thought I'd drop you a note since it's been awhile since I wrote directly to you.

You will soon be seven years old. Your older siblings have been trying to prepare you and explain what a birthday is in the first place. You are excited that soon Brina will make you a delicious cake (you already know what a terrific dessert baker she is) and she has promised it will have rainbow frosting.

In less than two weeks, you will be free of any cast for the first time since February 18. Wow! Won't that be exciting! I know you are really looking forward to going in the lake with your yellow swim ring. That will be quite an adventure for you, having never been swimming before in the first place. What an initiation - straight into Lake Michigan.

The garden is growing and you have continued to look for the corn and other goodies to be ready. Be patient, buddy. All those fresh things will be worth the wait.
I love that, with few exceptions, you figure all vegetables are simply called salad.

We have been sooo excited to here your English skills grow although I also feel it's bitter sweet to know that we might not hear certain words and Russian phrases anymore. Some of your well-used phrases are "Okay, sorry", "I no know", "I like it", and so on. You are really coming along, and we are continually amazed that your reactions to us prove you understand more than you can express verbally.

You like to do things for yourself, and sometimes you don't understand that someone coming along side you in your activity means they like to be with you rather than that they don't think you're capable. But that is changing somewhat.

I love stepping away from my Mom busyness, stretching out on the living room floor and doing puzzles for awhile with our heads cheek to cheek.

I love that if I say ouch or express that my back hurts as I carry you (which actually happens less than I would have thought), you say "Oh, sorry Mama" and reach around my shoulder to give me a feather light "back rub".

I love that when you make things, you often think right away of someone you can present your project to as a gift.

I love that, while you have always been pretty free with quick hugs and kisses, you are much more comfortable with just sitting and snuggling/rocking for a length of time. It tells me you are learning to trust that someone else really can be a comfort to you.

I love that you have such a positive attitude about your future. You obviously trust us completely that many things will be possible for you later and right now you just have to wait. Your patience is really inspiring. Keep dreaming of walking and of driving a yellow car someday. Keep dreaming of taking a running leap onto our rope swing. Keep dreaming of riding your own bicycle down the street.

Like all of us, you are imperfect, Maxim. That's okay. Keep listening, learning, striving and giving. You are a delight.

Love ya, buddy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved reading the letter to Maxim. Got your message. Did you get mine? Hoping we can connect soon and I can come to see Maxim and all of you again. I call you next week!