Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Tidbit of News

Well, we had good news yesterday. Grant money we had been waiting for has come through. We knew the grant had been approved, yet it is so encouraging to have this piece of God's provision actually available.

I also got an update from our caseworker that is exciting yet still a little vague. We are assured that the dossier is at Ukraine's State Department of Adoption (SDA) and we can expect the travel invitation easily by this time next month. Probably actually travelling in late November or December.

So these are pieces of info coming straight from those who are working on our behalf and we have prayed over them and every step of the process, as I've mentioned before.

A part of me wants to whoop and holler for things like getting the dossier all the way into the SDA without having to do any corrections or updates. That is so awesome.

I cant' tell you how many ways we definitely see God's hand all over this process. He is right in the middle of it.

Yet a part of me is scared to death to get excited at info that is very real but not very concrete. I will trust in Him always, but celebrate when the actual invitation arrives.

One blessing is knowing that an opportunity to spend some time at a Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles; Leviticus 23) with my parents as well as Daniel's parents and his brother and sister-in-law, next month, will not have to be postponed. This is treasured time every year anyway, but I was really hoping especially that the kids could spend it with both sets of grandparents. My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer this year, and although he is doing terrific, it's another reminder of how unpredictable life can be. Friends, there are no guarantees. Please pray that this time together will be a beautiful time of physical and spiritual refreshing, for everybody, and also that after little Maxim comes home, he will have a ton of time to get to know my dad.

Blessings to you all.


Conethia and Jim Bob said...

That is great news! Our dossier (and updated version) are both overseas. We were also told to expect a submission date in October and possible travel around the holidays. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

jenna said...

conethia and jim bob,
so glad to make your acquaintance through the blog. Just out of curiosity, when did you start your whole process? I would love to keep in touch and get to know you better. Hope all continues go well for you

ArtworkByRuth said...

I still hope our paths cross! Congratulations on the grant! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

We adopted 3 children from Russia. I remember the weeks before our phone call to travel...I had to settle my heart and mind to wait patiently (so hard - so hard not knowing when and where or how long the wait would be) for the boys I was at home with Noah (2yrs) and Robert was out of town and for Larissa I was at HockeyTown buying gifts for the boys - not expecting anything when we got the call!! Oh excited you will be!!! I was on top of the world!!!!

junglemama said...

We just adopted from Ukraine. How exciting that you will be traveling soon! I can't wait to follow your journey.