Friday, May 8, 2009

Come and See

Last night, as I was making dinner (taco salad), everyone was spread out through the house comleting different things for the day. Daniel has the older kids taking a computer keyboarding course and they were really enjoying that. Much more exciting then the notebook typing course I had them do a couple of years ago; several built-in incentives for both speed and accuracy. Cyan was dancing, as usual, and also talking quite secretively with Daniel about some Mother's Day plan she has up her sleeve.
Meanwhile, Maxim was stretched out on the living room floor, chatting away as he played out some imaginary scenario involving a long plastic chain (100 links for counting/math practice), a toy truck, and an American flag someone gave him yesterday at a National Day of Prayer gathering we attended. Anyway, when he had everything arranged just as he liked, he called to me and then said the first full sentence I have heard from him in English. "Come and see." It struck me as a really powerful. More than just a little boy wanting Mama to admire his handiwork. I remembered that the same phrase is in scripture more than once and when I looked it up this morning (Online Bible is a wonderful tool!), Psalm 66:5 was especially beautiful. "Come and see what God has done; how awesome are His works in man's behalf". I am overwhelmed just thinking that because I will keep this record of Maxim's first sentence in his new language, we will always be reminded in a special way of God's amazing and perfect hand. His works really are awesome, on behalf of all mankind and on behalf of one lone boy, set in a new place for a new beginning ( Psalm 68:6 "God sets the solitary in families....").

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