Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dear Natalia - A Letter On Mothers Day

Dear Natalia,

You and I have never met and most likely never will, unless the Messiah wills it someday. But we share something incredible in common, nonetheless. A little boy named Maxim. You gave him birth and I, along with my husband and our other children, have taken him under my wing. And I am under the wing of the Messiah.

Here in America, we celebrate Mothers Day; a time to acknowledge and honor our own mothers and to be honored as mothers. This year I want to acknowledge and honor you.

I know very little of your story and that's okay. I am aware that you were born in 1977 somewhere in the Ukraine and that twenty-one years later you gave birth to a little boy named Vladislav, followed by our Maxim in 2002. Somewhere before or between these sons, I know you carried another child but lost it before birth. I'm sorry. I have never experienced the loss of an unborn child but I've seen the pain of it in other eyes. I hope you have found comfort since then.

When Maxim was born, you quickly decided to let someone else care for him. Maybe you saw that he would need special help you didn't know how to give and you were afraid. I understand. It is an awesome thing to hold any new child in your arms and know they depend on you, whether they are healthy and whole in the first place or not.

I trust that if you made your decision out of genuine desire to give Maxim the best, God will supply you peace in that. I trust that if your choice was made out of cold selfishness, one day the Messiah will lovingly open your eyes, and you will cry, out of both repentance and joy, because the Master loves you enough to show you where you are right now as well as your huge potential in Him. He loves you right where you are but loves you too much to let you stay there. It's the same for all of us.

If you ever wonder where Maxim is and if he is okay, I hope you come to know the only One who can miraculously reassure you.

I suppose you still have an certain image in your mind of the last time you saw Maxim. Limbs weak and twisted and vulnerable. If, God willing, you see him again some day, it will most likely be when we stand before the King. May you and I and Maxim all be counted worthy to do such an awesome thing. We will have brand new hearts; we will be new creations in Him, singing a new song given by Him. And Maxim will be standing straight and strong and completely confident in the Master.

Blessings to you, Natalia, Maxim's first Mama. Thank you for giving him birth.


Kari said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful letter. Happy Mother's Day!

Conethia and Jim Bob said...

What an awesome letter! I said a prayer to my children's birth mother today. Bless these women for allowing their children to be in our hearts and homes! Happy Mother's Day to you!

The McGowans said...

Jenna, you are such a wonderful mother. Thanks for reminding met that I have another mother to think about in relation to my kids on Mother's day than just me. I think of M's mom regularly but somehow, I didn't even give her a thought this Mother's day. I was too busy trying not to think of my own mom and how much I miss her. I managed to make it through the day without crying, until the kids were in bed, but I think that counts!

Praying for Maxim's surgery tomorrow, for skill for the doctors and nurses, for health for Maxim, for peace for everyone in the waiting room. Can't wait to hear how he his surgery went.


jenna said...

I just want to encourage you that your thoughts were right where they were supposed to be on Mothers Day. Don't be too hard on yourself. What a year this has been for you, looking back and missing on the one hand, while also enjoying the adventure of an additional child. And God will continue to graciously bring Maxim's mama to your mind at just the right moments.

jenna said...

THanks for your prayers too. I know that will be where the power really is during surgery and recovery.