Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Passport That Is and Is to Come

Igor just called me. He has seen and held the passport but the office in Kherson will not let him have it yet! They say it is lacking one official stamp which will not be available until tomorrow due to a "holiday delay". Soooooooo, no passport on tonight's train to Kiev. Here is the encouraging thing though; as soon as he does have possession of it tomorrow (may it finally be so), he can still fax it to the Embassy as planned. We might still accomplish the hoped for appointments tomorrow, albeit with a delay of about three hours. The actual passport could then simply be picked up from the Kiev train station (a ten minute walk from the flat here) on Sabbath morning allowing travel on Sunday. Still doable. Don't stop praying and lifting this up and knowing it is possible with God's hand in the middle of it.

As I am sitting here typing, the American National Anthem is playing on the tv nearby. A boxing match is about t0 begin between an American and a Ukrainian. I am not a boxing fan but how nice to here that music; it brings tears to my eyes. The United States of America is not a perfect place but I know I am blessed to call it home.


ArtworkByRuth said...

What good news! Praying it all comes together and you are on your way home soon! God Bless!

The McGowans said...

Jenna, I was praying for you all day today (starting last night, when your day was about to begin) and am sorry that Igor did not get the passport today. It would be so great if you could get it in time to have Maxim's physical tomorrow and get done at the embassy on Saturday. I know these days must seem longer and longer but it seems that you are still looking up and remembering whose hands you and Maxim and your entire family are in.
Blessings, and more prayers tonight and tomorrow for God's plan as it works out in your life.