Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Campaus Have Landed

We made it. What a blessing to be here in Kiev and settling in. Okay, first of all, I have to make the confession that after visions of some romatic little day trip during our ten hour layover in Munich, it was not to be. We were so tired we just window shopped and took turns sleeping in the airport. Our consolation is that we have both been to the city before so we didn't waste a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The apartment we have been provided here in Kiev is very old but very nice. Nice little kitchen, full bathroom like you would see in the states, extremely tall ceilings and a nice view down the street to the main square. We can see beautiful cathedrals, the music conservatory (I'd love to be fly on the wall in there; always nice music flowing out the doors and windows), and there is an underground mall nearby.

What, you may ask, did we eat today. Well, breakfast was a delightful spread of chocolate and trail mix left over from our journey. Lunch, we felt adventurous but not very capable. As we are accustomed to following biblical food laws/principles, and are not familiar yet with what's what, we gave in to the McDonalds sign. Oh well.

Blessings to you all. I will post pictures tomorrow.


Jackie & Martin said...

I am so glad you made it safely and are able to post. I think the Russian word for kosher is кошерный...maybe that will help...but definitely check with an expert.

ArtworkByRuth said...

The bread store is next to McDonalds in Independence Square (also next to the exchange kiosk) There are all kinds of yummy bread!
Glad you made it, hope you acclimate to the time change and get rested for tomorrow! God Bless!