Tuesday, November 11, 2008

With Gas

Today we had the opportunity to talk to the doctor about Maxim's birth and background. We had been told that he has no siblings. This was the best information available to the agency. It turns out Maxim does have a brother (four years older) out there somewhere. Maxim was born in a town on the Crimean Peninsula and given up immediately because of his disabilities. In addition to the club feet, Maxim also deals with a condition which has caused problems in his hips and knees. Many surguries ahead, unless there is divine healing. The doctor commented that Maxim is a very loveable boy (we can already see this) and some of the employees at the orphanage have even considered adopting him (perhaps this is said to all parents). They are hopeful that we have access to the medical help needed and he will go far in life. They feel that because he has to work so hard to do day to day activities, he is building strong character.

We were so glad to see him again today and enjoy his humor and zip. He has a lot of energy.
When we challenge him from time to time with English words, he's very quick to repeat them.
Enunciation is not terrific but that will come. He's dealing right now with a whole new language and some dental issues that probably effect speech as well.

Yesterday, another milestone. Maxim kissed his papa and mama. Yippee! We also went to the local notary yesterday to sign papers confirming we are pleased with Maxim and definitely want to adopt him.

More paperwork tomorrow. The goal is to complete local paperwork as soon as possible, send it to Kiev to be acknowledged by the State Department of Adoption, receive it back here in Kherson and have our appointment with the judge.

Please pray that everything will be handled with integrity by each official, and that there will be no unnecessary delays. We are anxious to be home again with our whole family.

Sorry, no pictures today. We'll post more when we have WiFi set up. It will make dealing with USB so much easier.

Why today's title, you may ask? Well, let me tell you a little story. Daniel and I went grocery shopping Sunday night, just picking up a few things to get us by. We needed more bottled water and Daniel grabbed what looked like the biggest container for the best price. After we got back to the flat, I was going to make tea. I quickly opened the water bottle and got sprayed (so did the kitchen). We sheepishly admitted this to Igor and he showed us where to look on the label for "without gas". That's the whole story. The title has nothing to do with our personal condition, one way or the other.


Belinda said...

Cute story about "gas" :). Wow, Maxim has an older brother. Your thoughts in taking in this info. probably revolve around how you will share and process this info. with Maxim as he grows older. Good thing we take one day at a time, knowing God goes before us. Thanks for the continued updates.

ArtworkByRuth said...

Always buy the Light Blue BonAqua! LOL! I love to hear the kissing stories! How precious! So glad he is trying to speak English! Z refused, except to say "I love you" that his caregivers taught him! Is his older brother available for adoption? If not, that is probably was was meant "without siblings" to indicate he could be adopted independently?
Wish we could be there too! God Bless!

Becky J. said...

You are such a funny lady! I could never figure out the difference between canned tuna & salmon when I was in Taiwan, so we often had a different lunch than I had intended. Salmon salad anyone? :) We are so glad that things are going well with Maxim. Our prayers continue.

Jackie & Martin said...

That's so sweet you got your first Maxim kisses - I'm sure there will be billions more to come :). We're definitley praying that the paper work will go smoothly and there will be NO delays!