Friday, November 21, 2008

We've Got Mail..........

Today, the letter finally came. Great news. Now all the local paperwork can be completed and sent to Kiev. Hallelujah.'s a national holiday, many offices closed at noon, and we'll have to wait until Monday to sign papers, get things notarized, etc.
Our facilitator/translator says that because of the delay over this past week, he will personally take the local papers by train to Kiev next week. This is actually what I'd been hoping. Originally, he had spoken of sending them by mail (by train) and that made me really nervous.

Everyone is doing a great job. There are just bumps along the way, unexpected by all of us. Our heart for this adoption and our thankfulness for this opportunity have not changed at all.

I would not be honest if I didn't say the process is wearing on us a little. It is hard to be away from our other children and family right now. Thanksgiving is coming up, of course, and we will miss Joel's birthday (turning 13 on December 7), possibly. There just isn't anything that can replace being together. Brina is turning 15 in December, and I'm itching to get home and help her learn to drive. Daniel started teaching her a little before we left for Ukraine. Cyan turns 17 soon and I would really enjoy a bit of time with her too.

Please continue to pray for an efficient speedy process. We know that many are praying and we appreciate that so much. Keep it up. We know that God hears and His timing is perfect.

By the way, Igor took us to an outdoor market this morning which sold everything from nice used clothing to cottage cheese. I have a warm jacket now.


Anonymous said...

It's the beginning of the Sabbath here. Our evening is quiet as I catch up with your blog. I'm stuck thinking of the teenagers you mentioned; maybe because I have a couple of my own, and it's pressed on me how fast the time goes. So soon they make their own important decisions! Now these young people will soon be making important decisions, and I'm not sure of their support system. If you have opportunity, tell them in words that would be appropriate that the Heavenly Father laid it on someone's heart back home to pray for them today.
Jan S.

ArtworkByRuth said...

Congratulations on finally getting the letter of approval and of course the coat! (must post pictures too!)