Friday, December 12, 2008

Great News! and Not so Great News

Introducing Maxim Matthew Campau

Daniel Blogging again :)
First the Great News; We have passed the court!
This morning we got to the court and we walked in with Igor and two other representatives (one from the orphanage and one from the local administration). I was expecting to see the Judge and a secretary but instead I saw five people. So we had 10 people total in the court room. We proceeded with introductions and then the judge asked each of us (Jenna and I) questions about our adoption, why we want to adopt and particulars with our case. I think it went very well. of course everything had to be translated but after the questions, all of a sudden we (the five of us who walked in) were asked to leave the room. About 10 minutes later we were asked to return. The judge very quickly read off her verdict (during which time Jenna had eyes full of tiers) and we left.
The next news (not so good) is we need to wait for 10 days (this is to make sure no one comes forward and claims the child), then we are allowed to change the birth certificate to show Jenna and I as the Mother and Father. We will travel to the capitol city of the Crimea to the city where Maxim was born to change the birth certificate. Then we will return to Kherson where we will begin the passport creation for Maxim. Part of this bad news is we will be trying to get the passport between Christmas and New Years, so this may very well take extra time (Up to a week) so it is possible we have 17 more days in country. We have already been here for six weeks starting next Monday. This is a long time to be away from home, and to top it off we will be missing our three children's birthdays. Joel Dec 7th, Cyan Dec 17th, and Brina Dec 25th.
It is also possible that I will need to leave for home to get back to work before Jenna and Maxim are ready to return.
Thank you for your prayers for this successful court date and please pray we will be returning home in a timely manner.


Conethia and Jim Bob said...

Congratulations on officially becoming Maxim's parents!! Hurray!! Your biggest, most consuming problem is behind you! Yeah! I don't think that Ukraine is waiving the 10 days for anyone, no matter how serious the child's condition is. Perhaps he will be in your full care and able to celebrate the Christmas holiday with you.

The McGowans said...

Congratulations, Campau's! We are so glad to hear of your approval by the judge. --the McGowan's

Dean and Heidi said...

Welcome, Maxim! I can't wait to meet you :)
Congratulation, Cyan, Brina and Joel on the official proclamation that you have a new brother !!

- Aunt Heidi

Jackie & Martin said...

I am so happy that court went well! I've only heard of a couple of families getting the 10 waiting period waived, but you guys have been there so long, so I was hoping you'd get to skip the waitin period :(. I will definitley be praying that you won't have to spend any extra time waiting due to Christmas and New Years and that you three are on a plane out of there as soon as the 10 days are up and the visa is in hand!
p.s. Glad to see Maxim's sweet face...he's a doll!

Anonymous said...

Another exciting step! Does this mean Maxim's "birthday" is in December like your other children?! Our prayers continue for the needed patience and endurance for your whole family.
Jan S.

Debora Hoffmann said...

Maxim is precious! Congratulations on successful court; I pray the 10-day wait is quick and that you are able to get the rest of the process done around the holidsy closures!

ArtworkByRuth said...

His face is beautiful! Congratulations Mama and Papa! Praying for all to be revealed and resolved quickly for you!
God bless!

ddaguilar said...

Hallelujah! What wonderful news. I am so thrilled for you. Our prayers will continue to be with you daily in this next part of the journey. Stay strong as you encounter the new challenges and adjustments to come. Your family will all be together soon. May you find your rest and strength in our Heavenly Father and be a light to all those around you. I send you a big hug, Jenna!


Tami said...

Congratulations!!! We'll be praying that the 10 days go quickly and smoothly.