Monday, December 15, 2008

Out and About

Well, time marches on. We are on day three of the ten-day wait and it doesn't seem quite so overwhelming now. I guess I was just feeling emotionally and physically spent and needing a second wind. I think it's coming now.

Maxim is quite a little goofball. Loves music too. We taught him a very easy Sabbath song and he tries to sing it a lot. Very sweet. The other day he burped and I asked him to say "excuse me"; it came out "thank you me".

He has the appetite of an adult and so far has not turned down anything we've exposed him to; tea, juice, pizza, even salad (he was not thrilled but agreed to finish with no argument).

Maxim has so many things that will be brand new to him but he is a people person for the most part, pretty adventurous and has a funny sense of humor, all qualities that I believe will help him adjust.

In certain ways, life at the orphanage forces caretakers to push the kids to do things that are good in the long run. Otherwise, so many children in the same place would be unmanageable.
For example, the children learn very early to put things away, be careful and neat when they are eating. However, questionable methods at times (what would come across harsh to many) and without the staff to really love every child individually. So we'll have an interesting journey trying to help Maxim (and all of us) maintain good habits through encouraging the best in each other rather than the fear motivation I think he feels sometimes. While with us the other day, he spilled some juice and when he looked up, it appeared he was expecting great punishment.

As I write, we have our first snow since we've been here. It started yesterday afternoon. Hardly any on the ground now but is around 25 degrees F. and I expect we'll get more before we leave the region next week.

Igor is visiting with family during the 10-day wait as there's nothing official we are allowed to finish until the wait is over anyway. We've enjoyed visiting with friends, leisurely walks, and much more time with Maxim. When Igor gets back next Monday, we will "hit the deck running" to complete the last details.

Thank you for your continued prayers. For us and many other families. Our friends the McGowans are into their ten-day wait as well and looking forward to travel home on the 31st. For the McGowans and us, please pray that there will be no delay in processing of the passports. We know of another family (hello Walkers) getting ready to come at the end of next month. All of these separate processes have their own special needs involved in addition to just wanting the "grafting" of these children into our family trees to go well.

Thank you for your notes of encouragement (and your e-hug Delanie; you made me cry). They are such a boost.

Blessings to you all.

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