Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hurray for Tommorow

Maxim in the Ball Pen

Daniel Blogging here. We are showing you a sneak peek of Maxim. He occasionally likes to play in the ball pen, in this photo we were batting the balloons around and having a good time. Today's visit with Maxim went very well. Normally he is very jealous of us when other children (especially those in his group) come into the area where we are playing. Even today when one of the boys entered the area Maxim immediately said NYE, NYE (no no). We try to explain that these are his friends, but usually before we get to far one of the caretakers comes and whisks them away. Today however we had a new experience. A new child came to the orphanage and to Maxim's group. He was very scared and had obviously been crying. He is four years old and very big for his age, especially for orphans. It is well documented that orphans are smaller and typically grow 1/3 less than non-orphans. This is true with Maxim as he is six and about the size of an average three year old. Anyway, the orphanage director brought this new little boy to where we were visiting with Maxim. She introduced him to Maxim, and immediately Maxim began to be nice to the boy, and began to play with him. This was very interesting for Jenna and I to see as Maxim basically forgot us and was friendly to the other child.
Tomorrow is the "Big Day" for Jenna and I and Maxim (Cyan, Brina and Joel too, of course). We are hoping for approval from the Judge. If so Maxim will be fully our son after a waiting time and after we get birth certificate, Passport, and other paperwork stamped. Please pray that all goes well and we find favor in the eyes of the judge. I was reading in the Bible this morning that God is the one who puts people in positions of authority (whether for good or evil) and he can and does effect the decisions of people. We are very happy to put our faith and confidence in Him, even though we get our faith tested from time to time, (like waiting extra long for this trip). But also pray for the many others who are here in Ukraine who are adopting children as well. It is a big step for anyone, and we all need your prayers.

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