Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Joel

Our son Joel is turning 13 tonight at 10:05 p.m. EST. Happy birthday Joel. We are sorry we can't be home with you for such a milestone. We are so blessed that you are our son. You have been blessed by God with intelligence, talent, health and energy and great potential as a young man. You have a reputation among many of kindness, generosity and; responsibility (even if mistakes are made once in awhile). You are a good son, brother and friend. We love you and miss you and hope you have a great day today.

Cyan and Brina, hope you're both able to enjoy the day with Joel somehow. Blessings to you both.

We had a nice, although, short visit with Maxim this morning. We went exploring upstairs to find where the older kids play ping-pong. Daniel scrimmaged with two different boys, one of whom would definitely have toasted him if they had been keeping score. And this boy was playing while using a crutch to stand up.

This scenario was a good one in which to have Maxim with us. It's a little opportunity to see that we really like being with him, but he has to share us with others at times.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. We will try to post tomorrow after court.

1 comment:

ArtworkByRuth said...

Happy Birthday Joel!
I hope this means you get double Christmas presents from Mom and Dad?
Daniel and Jenna: Can't believ you got to make it upstairs! We were never invited to play ping-pong...although a fun loving soccer game outside with all disabled children...and we were NO match!