Monday, December 1, 2008

No News Is.........?

Discouraging. No news is discouraging. We do not have the papers yet from Kiev, so no court date yet. We thought we might see the judge this week, but that looks unlikely now. Waiting is soooo hard. It kind of reminds me of during the last weeks of pregnancy, when there can be the stop and start contractions. Guess you could say we're in the adoption equivalent of that right now. Our facilitator is doing a great job and is very careful not to make predictions about timing but sometimes even things he thought he could be reasonable confident about don't work as planned. It's not his fault. This is just part of what any family going into adoption, domestic or international, might experience. There can be a lot of unknowns and it definitely requires thanking God daily that He is Sovereign and in control, and also asking Him daily for courage and energy to keep going.

We did see Maxim this morning. His cough sounds worse and he seemed to have a low grade fever, but also had energy we wouldn't have expected. A little stubborn at times.

We were encouraged to visit for a little while with some of the teens after Maxim left for lunch. They enjoy coming to us and practicing a little English and although we certainly don't understand each other well at times, it's fun to try and we laugh a lot with them. Wish you could meet them too. They are great kids.

1 comment:

Jackie & Martin said...

I'm so sorry that you're having to wait so long...we won't stop praying for things to move quickly and smoothly.